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Our Services


We strive to provide the highest quality services and products to our clients. We specialize in providing accurate and reliable glasses prescriptions as well as a wide variety of frames to choose from.

Ocular Health

We believe that taking care of your eyes involves more than just picking out a stylish pair of glasses or contact lenses. We go above and beyond in our comprehensive eye exams by screening for various health conditions that affect ocular health, such as glaucoma and macular degeneration, and track their progression over time.

Dry Eye Therapies

Our team is also experienced in treating conditions such as dry eye. We use state-of-the-art technology and advanced techniques to help our patients find much-needed relief from symptoms such as itchiness, burning, and irritation.  Please click here for more detail on dry eye therapies. 

Contact Lenses

With a focus on providing quality eye care services, we offer expert contact prescription and fitting services. Our team of licensed optometrists will assess your visual needs to determine the best prescription and brand of contact lenses for you. In addition, we offer comprehensive health screenings to ensure that your eyes stay healthy and meet your needs.

LASIK & Cataract Co-management

Our optometrists provide  co-management of LASIK and cataract with your ophthalmologist. Our team will work closely with you to create a treatment plan that addresses your unique needs and helps you achieve clear, healthy vision for years to come.

One Day Service

Our in-house lab, we can offer quick and efficient basic lens services, ensuring that you get the care you need when you need it.  Please note if there are special conditions and orders, a send out may be required.

I have been using contacts for only a year and struggled with eye dryness. I decided to go to a different optometrist and came into Specs because of the convenient location. I can not give them enough stars! They have been so helpful and make it so easy to come in. I no longer have dry eyes thanks to them taking the time to listen to me.
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